From Incheon, travel to the capital of South Korea, a city that artfully balances cutting-edge and traditional. Admire the Korean architecture of Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House), the official residence of the President of the Republic of Korea. Shop the antique shops and art galleries craft stores of Insadong in Seoul’s art district. Learn centuries of Korean history at the National Museum. Be dazzled by the World Heritage-listed Changdeokgung, the most stunning of Seoul's five main palaces. In Incheon, visit a memorial to the landing operation led by General Douglas MacArthur in set 1950, a decisive victory that turned the course of the Korean War.

Porto: Seoul (Incheon)

Seul (Incheon)

All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

Currently no land programs are available from this port.

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